The Winter 2018 Newsletter is here!

The latest newsletter is available.  Go to the Newsletters menu and select the item under 2018 Q4.  There is a message from our President, Stan Ness, as well as articles on SB10 (Bail Reform), and an update on “open” Recommendation responses from the 2016/17 Grand Jury reports by the Tracking and Implementation Committee.  We hope you find the articles informative.  Also, for recent OCGJ Alumni, if you are interested in helping the Tracking and Implementation Committee pursue “open” recommendations from your reports, please contact Diana Merryman ( who’s leading-up the effort.

Also, be looking for a write-up and pictures from our 2018 Holiday luncheon.  Our newest Board members were sworn-in, and we enjoyed a very enlightening talk by U.S. District Judge David O. Carter.