The GJAOC Speaker’s Bureau fulfills the objective of public education about the grand jury system. Members are supplied with grand jury information materials and give presentations to county clubs and organizations.
Members of the Speakers Bureau committee frequently speak to community organizations throughout Orange County about the primary functions of the Grand Jury.
Their talk is about how Orange County is one of the few counties that empowers the Grand Jury with both criminal and civil investigations. The Grand Jury initiates their own investigations of county and city government agencies, and the desired outcome – through published reports and media attention – is the improvement of government effectiveness and efficiency.
They will also talk about the process to become a Grand Juror, and their experience serving for a year on a 19-person panel. It is the most up close and personal civics class on the planet!
Are you interested in having a speaker at your organization? You can reserve a date and time by emailing Sandy Dunkin, Speakers Bureau Chair.
June 1st Luncheon Presentation
The Latest GJAOC Luncheon was held June 1st at the Santa Ana Elks Club. Assistant Presiding Judge Cheri Pham presented a detailed overview of the state of the Orange County courts. The presentation was well received and provided an amazing amount of detail. See the presentation State of the Court 2023.
Informative Videos
Check out the following YouTube videos featuring Superior Court judges and GJAOC members explaining the Orange County Grand Jury.