06June2019 Luncheon Re-Cap and Pix

Our Summer 2019 luncheon coincided with the 75th anniversary of the Allied D-Day operation.  We had a big turn-out of about 60 people including many GJAOC members who are veterans.  We honor the service of all of our veterans and especially those who died in service during that war, and all other wars on behalf of the nation.

Our guest speaker was Congressman Lou Correa, who represents the 46th US Congressional District (largely Anaheim, Santa Ana and parts of the City of Orange). Congressman Correa refers to himself as a blue-dog democrat; a conservative democrat who gets pulled hard in opposite directions from both sides.  He left his prepared script and held a wide-ranging discussion that covered a lot of topics from immigration, homeland security, paying for college to impeachment.  He brought his printed copy of the Mueller report and indicated that he had not yet formed an opinion on whether or not the House of Representatives should begin impeachment proceedings against the President, since he had yet to read the report in full.  As you can imagine, the Q & A session was quite animated.

The GJAOC was also very pleased to have a significant number of current Grand Jurors in attendance, including Foreperson Birgit Sale.  With 3 reports released to-date, we can only assume that things are quite hectic for them right now, so we really appreciate their joining us. We also hope that their attendance will result in a good number of these Grand Jurors joining the GJAOC to help keep it vital.  The unofficial prize for alumni attendance went to the 2015/16 Grand Jury who had 13 (of a final class of 18) folks in attendance.  Way to go class of 2015/16!



(click the link to listen to some of Congressman Correa’s comments on the D-Day Anniversary)