2013-2014 Orange County Grand Jury Impaneled

Photos by Glen Stroud with reporting by Glen Stroud and Cheryl Brothers.

The 2013-2014 Grand Jury was impaneled in a public ceremony in Department C1 of the Central Justice Center on Monday, July 1, 2013. Orange County Grand Jury Association President Cheryl Brothers and directors Glen Stroud, Terry Dancey and Roy Baker attended the ceremony.

Oath of Office

2013-2014 Panel taking the oath of office.

2012-13 Panel

Members of the 2012-2013 panel.

2012-13 Foreman  Ray Garcia

2012-2013 Foreman Ray Garcia addressing the audience.

Nindy Mahal

Judge Gregg Prickett recognized the 2012-2013 panel members. Nindy Mahal is pictured here receiving his certificate.